A Daliri, MJ Maghrebi, MR Soltani
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 237, 7, 1708-1713, DOI: 10.1177/09544100221127462
Hot-film sensors have been used to measure the boundary-layer fluctuations and subsequently to determine the boundary-layer states. In this paper, it is proposed to use hot-film sensors as a tool to measure the effects of plasma-induced ionic wind on the boundary-layer fluctuations which can be used to find the influence of the plasma actuator far downstream of the actuator. Time history and frequency response of the hot-film output voltage are investigated to explore the effects of plasma-induced wind downstream of the actuator. Also, the effects of the peak-to-peak voltage of a DBD plasma actuator on the fluctuations of the hot-film output voltages are discussed. It is showed that as far as the effects of ionic wind can be sensed by the hot-films, the control authority of the actuator is higher. It is concluded that induced velocity in the vicinity of the plasma actuator alone does not indicate the control authority of the plasma actuator.

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