Miremadi Tahereh 2020 Published articles at international, regional and national conferences
Jean Renaud, Rémy Houssin, Negar Armaghan, and Mickaël Gardoni 2019 Future Home 4.0 for People with Major Neurodegenerative Disorders, Finding the Contradictions In proceeding of 19th International TRIZ Future Conference, TFC 2019: New Opportunities for Innovation Breakthtoughs for Developing Countries and Emerging Economies, Springer, Marrakesh, October 9-11. Print ISBN 978-3-030-32496-4, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32497-1
Miremadi Tahereh 2018 Comparing Iran and Korea Foresight exercise
Jean Renaud, Rémy Houssin, Mickaël Gardoni, Negar Armaghan, Hicham Achelhi 2017 Aide à la rédaction d’une notice d’utilisation à partir de l’analyse fonctionnelle comportementale prenant en compte l’usage 12ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI), Les Innovation Numériques et Organisationnelles pour Répondre aux Défis de l’Industrie du Futur, 3-5 mai 2017, Compiègne, France.
Negar Armaghan 2017 Analysis of Knowledge Transfer and Organizational Learning by using SECI model 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, 28-29 December 2017, Allameh Tabatabee University, Tehran, Iran.
Negar Armaghan 2016 Change Management and Knowledge Management, Which relation? full text accepted in 25th International Conferences on Management of Technology, May 15th-19th, 2016, Orlando-Florida, USA.
Negar Armaghan 2016 Increasing productivity and customer satisfaction in an industrial company 3rd International Conferences in Recent Innovations in Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, 4th November 2016, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.
Negar Armaghan 2014 Change Management, the missing link in implementation of successful Knowledge Management In proceedings The 5th International and 9th National Conference on Management of Technology, présentation en poster, 16-17 December 2015, Tehran, Iran.
Negar Armaghan, Jean Renaud, Jean Lieber 2010 Raisonnement a Partir de Cas Conversationnel pour assister des operateurs d un service-apres-vent presented In 3e Conférence Francophone en Géstion des Connaissances, Société et Organiosations, Pôle Européen de Gestion et d’Economie de Strasbourg, 27-28 mai 2010, Strasbourg, France
Negar Armaghan, Jean Renaud 2008 Experiences of Feedback Based on Case-Based Reasoning and Multi-Criteria Aid Approaches presented and published In Proceedings 17e congrès international “International Association for the Management Of Technology” (IAMOT), The British University in Dubai, 6-10 avril, ISBN: 0-9815817-0-6, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.
Negar Armaghan, Jean Renaud, « »,(2008). 2008 Knowledge Extraction and Multicriteria Analyses presented and published In Proceedings 7e séminaire École Doctorale Sciences et Ingénierie Ressources Procédés Produits Environnement (RP2E), ISBN 2-9518564-6-6, pp. 9-17.
Negar Armaghan, Jean Lieber, Jean Renaud 2008 Towards a Conversational Case-Based Reasoning System to Assist the Operator of an After-Sales Service presented and published In Proceedings The Third European Conference on Management Of Technology (EuroMOT), 17-19 September, CERAM Business School, Nice, ISBN 0-9815817-1-4, Sophia Antipolis, France.
Negar Armaghan, Jérôme Costa, Jean Renaud 2007 Retour d experience par des approches de Raisonnement a Partir de Cas et Analyse Multicritere presented and published In Capitalisation et Réutilisation des Connaissances Métier en conception de systèmes mécaniques (C2EI), 82-94, 24 mai, pp.133, Montbéliard, France.
Negar Armaghan, Jérôme Costa, Jean Renaud, Michel Martinez 2007 Extraction de Connaissance et Choix de Solution par Analyse Multicritere presented and published In Proceedings 7ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI), Trois-Rivières, 5-8 juin, Québec, CANADA.
Negar Armaghan, Jérôme Costa, Jean Renaud, Michel Martinez 2006 Industrial Knowledge Memory and Multicriteria Decision Analysis presented and published In 9th International Federation Automatic Control Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill and Knowledge, 22-24 Mai 2006. Nancy, France

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