- Miremadi Tahereh (2017), A model for Integrating S&T Policy with S&TDiplomacy ; a chapter of the book "S&T diplomacy and sustainabledevelopment in the developing countries" edited by Tahereh Miremadi et al.,New Delhi, NAM S&T Center.
- Miremadi Tahereh (2016): A hybrid Model for Science and TechnologyDiplomacy: How to Align the Rationales of Foreign Policy and Science, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2737347
- Miremadi Tahereh ,(2012) Science and Foreign Policy in Iran, the Mutually reinforcing Of Science and Soft Diplomacy in Iran, accepted to be published as a part of Proceedings of the NAM S&T Center 's Workshop of S&T Diplomacy for Developing Countries, (13-16 May 2012), Tehran, Iran,
- Miremadi Tahereh (2014), Integrating S&T policy and Diplomacy: Developing a Hybrid Model , International Workshop on Perspectives on Science & Technology Diplomacy For Sustainable Development in NAM and other Developing Countries, 29-04-2014,
- Miremadi Tahereh (2014) Network Diplomacy for Peace Building, IOR ARC-Summit for New Technologies, R&D and Commercialization, 11-05-2014
- Miremadi Tahereh (2014), The Role of Social Sciences Enlightenment in the Policy-Making Process of Science, Technology and Innovation, Conference on Social Studies of Technology in Society, July 2014
- Miremadi Tahereh (2011), Technology diplomacy in the face of sanctions at the conference on "The role of management and development of Science and technology in the industrial independence of the Country "
- Miremadi Tahereh (2011), Interaction of macroeconomic policies with the rules of the World Trade Organization in the research and development sector in the National Conference on Research and Development Centers, Ministry of Industries and Mines
- Miremadi Tahereh (2007), The process of globalization of research and development in the first conference of "Research and Development of the Organization of Management and Planning
- Miremadi Tahereh (2008), Local Identity, Global Ethics Proposal for Legal Agreement on Cybercrime in Islamic Countries, Center of Telecommunications Research
- Miremadi Tahereh (2008), Epistemological analysis from the Perspective of the Innovative National System as a Research Program. Journal of Development Management, Technology
- Miremadi Tahereh (2005), Economic Growth and Foreign Policy of Khatami's Cabinet. "Foreign Policy Journal" (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)