
Mission and Goals

The mission of the CISSC (formerly ISMO) is to encourage, and support internationalization of Iranian universities and research centers, by helping Iranian scholars to engage in research programs and projects at international levels. Its goals are aligned with the MSRT’s strategic plan.

In light of such mission, the CISSC should:

  • Foster innovative international research collaboration for Iranian institutions and individual participants across disciplines.
  • Expand the scope and types of international collaborative research by providing for a broad range of programs.
  • Develop and coordinate relations and programs with Iranian and foreign institutions.
  • Help determine the direction of research and the type of collaborations for Iranian scientists who want to participate in international collaborative research.
  • Assist Iranian students and faculty members to optimally utilize their research and innovation potential by enhancing their international mobility in order to contribute to the national challenges in the areas of environment, health, food security, and so on.
  • Identify the set of international internship, scholarships, research fellowship and other opportunities available to Iran’s graduate students and younger scholars.
  • Strengthen Iran’s cooperation with its neighboring countries by finding opportunities for formal research collaborations or partnerships, and creating links in science and technology (S&T) at regional level.
  • Facilitate and monitor the implementation of selected formal institutional collaboration agreements between Iranian universities and foreign partners across borders.
  • Promote international 

    collaborations of Iran's S&T Incubators, and Techn-Parks to accelerate technology commercialization and innovation.