
The International Scientific Meeting Office (ISMO) was founded in March 1999 with the aim of expanding international collaborations in science and technology of Iranian universities and research institutes. Among its first tasks was the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cooperation signed by the then Ministry of Culture and Higher Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy. In July 2001, the ISMO was officially renamed the Centre for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC) and expanded the scope of its activities by identifying, developing and managing unique collaborative programs designed to address the scholar challenges of Iranian academics in a globalizing world.

The CISSC plays an institutional role in the implementation of selected science and technology (S & T) agreements, which have been signed by Iran’s MSRT and academic institutions around the world with the goal of enhancing international collaborations and effective partnerships. The CISSC manages projects. The CISSC manages projects related to Iranian scholars’ membership and participation in several international academic and scientific organizations including the ICTP, and Third World Academy of Sciences. It also Facilities field trips and educational excursions abroad for Iranian professors and students. Finally, the CISSC has acted as a secretariat of a few scientific networks including the secretariat of the S & T Networks of the Islamic countries (e.g., the Network of the Islamic world Scientists, the Network of women Scientists, the Network of Women Scientist of the Islamic world), Iran’s Centers of Excellence, National Accelerator commission, and Knowledge-based Products Development Network.

The mission of the CISSC s to encourage, and support internationalization of Iranian universities and research centers, by helping Iranian scholar to engage in research programs and projects at international level. Its goal are aligned with the MSRT’s strategic plan.

Main Activities: Gundishapur Program (between Iran &  France), ICRP (Invited Collaborative Research Programs),Pietro Della valle (Iran & Italy) , universities,  research institutes, science & technology parks performance evaluation.