Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica

Other collection No. :: 
ATCC 9610, DSM 4780, LMG 7899, JCM 7577, CCUG 12369, CIP 80.27, NCTC 12982, WDCM 00038
Culture condition: 
30 °C, Aerobic
<- ATCC <- JM Coffey, RM Pike. Isolated from tissue, human; glanders-like infection of the face New York, United States. Deposited as Bacterium enterocoliticum Schleifstein and Coleman. Used for Media testing, Pharmaceutical and Personal Care.

Taxonomy (J. Med 1939, 39: 1749- 1753, Bergeys Manual Syst. Bacteriol 1984, 1: 505). Media testing (Quality Control for Commercially Prepared Microbiological Culture Media; Approved Standard - 3rd Edition. Wayne, PA. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; CLSI M22-A3., Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs--Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media-- Part 2: Practical guidelines on performance testing of culture media.. Geneva (Switzerland):International Organization for Standardization/ANSI;ISO ISO 11133-2:2003, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs --- Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media --- Part 2: Practical guidelines on performance testing of culture media - Annex B: Recommended test microorganisms for commonly used culture media. London, UK:British Standards Institution;British Standard DD CEN ISO/TS 11133:2003., ISO/CD 11133:2009, Annex E. Test microorganisms for commonly used culture media (giving information on the culture medium, culture conditions, test microorganisms, culture collection number of test organisms and the expected reactions))

Supplied as: 
Freeze dried
Risk group: