Bacto Marine Broth


Rehydrate and grow lyophilized cells from the ampoule in 5 ml of this liquid medium:

Bacto peptone 5.00 g
Bacto yeast extract 1.00 g
Fe(III) citrate 0.10 g
NaCl 19.45 g
MgCl2 (dried) 5.90 g
Na2SO4 3.24 g
CaCl2 1.80 g
KCl 0.55 g
Na2CO3 0.16 g
KBr 0.08 g
SrCl2 34.00 mg
H3BO3 22.00 mg
Na-silicate 4.00 mg
NaF 2.40 mg
(NH4)NO3 1.60 mg
Na2HPO4 8.00 mg
Distilled water 1000.00 ml

Final pH should be 7.6 ± 0.2 at 25°C. You can use Bacto Marine Broth from Difco Company ( Difco 2216)