2023 Akbar Amini, Marjan Rajabi, Seyed Mohammad Zahraee, Microstructural and electrical properties of flash sintered ZnO–Bi2O3–Sb2O3 based varistors: Effect of current density with a controlled current ramp, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 295, 127094, Doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2022.127094
2022 A. Amini, M. Rajabi, S. M. Zahraee, F. Nourozian , The effect of composition on flash sintering parameters of varistors based on ZBS, Journal of Iranian Ceramic Society 17 (4) (2022)45-53.
2022 Neda F. Nazari, Marjan Rajabi, Alireza Z. Moshfegh, The UV photodetection enhancement of tailored ZnO nanorods by controlling the aspect ratio, Surfaces and Interfaces 28 (2022) 101682, Doi:10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101682
2022 AhmadBahmaniو Mehrab Lotfpour, Milad Taghizadeh, Woo-JinKim, Corrosion behavior of severely plastically deformed Mg and Mg alloys, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, Available online
2022 Alireza Jalali, Mehdi Malekan, Eun Soo Park, Reza Rashidi, Ahmad Bahmani, Geun Hee Yoo, Deformation behavior of Zr33Hf8Ti6Cu32Ni10Co5Al6 high-entropy bulk metallic glass and Cu47Zr47Al6 low-entropy bulk metallic glass at room and high temperatures, Materials Science and Engineering: A
2022 Alireza Jalali, Mehdi Malekan, Eun Soo Park, Reza Rashidi, Ahmad Bahmani, Geun Hee Yoo, Thermal behavior of newly developed Zr33Hf8Ti6Cu32Ni10Co5Al6 high-entropy bulk metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2022 E Ahounbar, A Bahmani, B Nayebi, SMM Khoei, FA Zaeim, MS Asl Surfaces and Interfaces, In-situ synthesized MgO-based ceramic coatings on a novel Mg-Ca material: Morphological response to the PEO electrolyte, Surfaces and Interfaces
2022 PM Kalayeh, M Malekan, A Bahmani, M Lotfpour, SM Fatemi, SB Zonoozi, Ahmad Bahmani Combination of severe plastic deformation and heat treatment for enhancing the corrosion resistance of a new Magnesium alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2021 Mehdi Malekan, Ahmad Bahmani, Determination of dendrite coherency point characteristics in Al-Si-Mg alloy, International Journal of Cast Metals Research
2021 Amir Baghani, Ali Kheirabi, Ahmad Bahmani, Hamid Khalilpour, Reducing Melt Surface Turbulence by employing Surge and Filter in a Conventional Non-Pressurizing Gating System: Simulation and Experiment, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
2021 Mehrab Lotfpour, Ahmad Bahmani, Hamed Mirzadeh, Massoud Emamy, Mehdi Malekan, Woo Jin Kim, Milad Taghizadeh, Aria Afsharnaderi, Effect of microalloying by Ca on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast and wrought Mg–Mg2Si composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A
2021 Mehrab Lotfpour, Changiz Dehghanian, Massoud Emamy, Ahmad Bahmani, Mehdi Malekan, Ahmad Saadati, Milad Taghizadeh, Mohammadreza Shokouhimehr, In-vitro corrosion behavior of the cast and extruded biodegradable Mg-Zn-Cu alloys in simulated body fluid (SBF), Journal of Magnesium and Alloys
2013 Sabbaghizadeh, Rahim; Hashim, Mansor; Gholamipour, Reza; , Influence of Annealing Temperature on the Magnetic Properties of Rapidly Quenched (Nd,Pr)(2)-(Fe,Co,Ga,Ti,C)(14)B/alpha-Fe Nanocomposite Ribbons, ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Article Number: 620761 Published: 2013
2013 Khademian, Nima; Gholamipour, Reza , Study on microstructure and fracture behavior of tungsten wire reinforced Cu-based and Zr-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Volume: 365 Pages: 75-84 Published: APR 1 2013
2013 Khademian, Nima; Gholamipour, Reza; Inanloo, Habib , Tailoring hardness and toughness in WC-13%Co-x TiC-y TiN (x=5, 7.5-y=5, 7.5) functional gradient hardmetals (FGHMs), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS Volume: 38 Pages: 92-101 Published: MAY 2013
2013 Rahim Sabbaghizadeh, Mansor Hashim, R Gholamipour, Gh Bahmanrokh, S Kanagesan , PHASE TRANSFORMATION, STRUCTURE AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Nd9. 4Pr0. 6FebalTixCxCo6Ga0. 5B6 RIBBONS PREPARED BY MELT-SPINNING METHOD, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials & Biostructures (DJNB)
2013 S Sohrabi, H Arabi, A Beitollahi, R Gholamipour , Planar Flow Casting of Fe 71 Si 13.5 B 9 Nb 3 Cu 1 Al 1.5 Ge 1 Ribbons, Journal of materials engineering and performance
2012 Aghamiry, Eshag; Gholampour, Reza; Khademian, Nima, Effect of V substitution on mechanical properties and fracture behavior of ZrCuNiAl bulk metallic glass, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 547 Pages: 80-85 Published: JUN 15 2012
2012 Malekan, M.; Shabestari, S. G.; Zhang, W, Gholamipour R , Formation of bulk metallic glass in situ nanocomposite in (Cu50Zr43Al7)(99)Si-1 alloy, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 553 Pages: 10-13 Published: SEP 15 2012
2012 Jahangiri, M. R.; Soltanlou, M.; Gholamipour, R. , Optimization of Pre-Rolling Homogenizing Heat Treatment for Cast Silicon Steel Ingots, ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Volume: 37 Issue: 4 Pages: 1065-1076 Published: JUN 2012
2011 H.Eskandari R.Gholamipour , Properties of Nd-Fe-B powder explosively compacted, Materials Science Forum,673, Materials Science Forum,673
2011 M Mahmoodan, H Aliakbarzadeh, R Gholamipour , Sintering of WC-10% Co nano powders containing TaC and VC grain growth inhibitors, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
2010 Keyvanara, A.; Gholamipour, R.; Mirdamadi, Sh , Effect of quenching wheel speed on the structure, magnetic properties and magnetoimpedance effect in Co64Fe4Ni2B19-xSi8Cr3Alx (x=0, 1 and 2) melt-spun ribbons, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 322 Issue: 18 Pages: 2680-2683 Published: SEP 2010
2010 Malekan, M.; Shabestari, S. G.; Zhang, W, Gholamipour R , Effect of Si addition on glass-forming ability and mechanical properties of Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glass, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 527 Issue: 27-28 Pages: 7192-7196 Published: OCT 25 2010
2010 Esfahani, M.; Gholamipour, R.; Mirdamadi, S. H , Effects of Ti and C additions on the nanostructure and magnetic properties of (Nd, Pr)- (Fe, Co, Ga)-B melt-spun nanocomposite ribbons, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 405 Issue: 18 Pages: 3838-3841 Published: SEP 15 2010
2010 Khademian, N.; Gholamipour, R. , Fabrication and mechanical properties of a tungsten wire reinforced Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glass composite, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 527 Issue: 13-14 Pages: 3079-3084 Published: MAY 25 2010
2009 Nezakat, M.; Gholamipour, R.; Amadeh, A.; , Corrosion behavior of Nd9.4Pr0.6Febal.Co6B6Ga0.5TixCx (x=0, 1.5, 3, 6) nanocomposites annealed melt-spun ribbons, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 321 Issue: 20 Pages: 3391-3395 Published: OCT 2009
2009 Malekan, M.; Shabestari, S. G.; Gholamipour, R. , Effect of Ge addition on mechanical properties and fracture behavior of Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glass, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 484 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 708-711 Published: SEP 18 2009
2009 M Mahmoodan, H Aliakbarzadeh, R Gholamipour , Microstructural and mechanical characterization of high energy ball milled and sintered WC–10 wt% Co–xTaC nano powders, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials
2008 H Sepehri Amin, R Gholamipour, F Shahri, A Mohammadi , Effect of Al substitution for B on magnetic and structural properties of Co-based melt-spun ribbons, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials
2007 Gholamipour, R.; Beltollahi, A.; Marghuslan, V. K. , Cu effects on coercivity and microstructural features in nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Co-B annealed melt-spun ribbons, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 398 Issue: 1 Pages: 51-54 Published: AUG 1 2007
2006 Beitollahi, A.; Gholamipour, R.; Marghusian, V. K. , Magnetic and structural properties of rapidly quenched Nd-Fe-Co-Ge-B alloys, PHYSICS OF METALS AND METALLOGRAPHY Volume: 102 Supplement: 1 Pages: S24-S31 Published: DEC 2006
2006 Gholamipour, R; Beitollahi, A; Ohkubo, T , Microstructural studies and micromagnetic analysis of nanocrystalline NdFeCoMB (M = Ga, Ge) melt-spun ribbon, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 37A Issue: 5 Pages: 1581-1587 Published: MAY 2006
2006 Gholamipour, R; Beitollahi, A; Marghusian, VK , Microstructure-magnetic properties relationships in nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Co-Ge-B annealed ribbons, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 203 Issue: 2 Pages: 287-293 Published: FEB 2006

Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST)